GR®3 roadmap

1,243 Km: total distance from the source of the Loire to the estuary

52 sections possibles over the whole route

1 Classified natural site: Bec d'Allier
1 Vineyard: Pouilly-sur-Loire
1 Unmissable town La Charité-sur-Loire
Rural adventures

Reconnect with the river Loire

Your walk along the Burgundian section of the river Loire will lead you right along the riverbanks and up over the hills overlooking the right banks. The scenery is a real treat and an invitation to just contemplate your surroundings.

Of the countless wild landscapes you'll be crossing through, you'll particularly appreciate:

  • the wooded countryside of Saône-et-Loire with meadows, hedgerows, and little dry stone walls as far as the eye can see.
  • You'll also be amazed by the Bec d’Allier. This is where the Loire and Allier rivers merge and it is an exceptional natural sight that will remind you of the Amazon. These waters are also home to some rare species.

If you are interested in local animal species, take the time to wander around the Pavillon du Milieu de Loire. This visitor's centre for nature and the environment can provide you with an infinite amount of information and there are events and entertainment organised on the theme of the local environment.

Mon GR® préféré - FFRandonnée_ David Genestal
Passage dans les vignes sur le GR3 Mon GR® préféré - FFRandonnée_ David Genestal
David Genestal
Rando Saint-Hilaire-Fontaine sur le GR3 David Genestal
David Genestal
Arrêt à la Charité sur Loire sur le GR 3 David Genestal
David Genestal
Randonnée Réserve Naturelle du Val de Loire David Genestal
Serge Egard
Stop off at...

... the Pouilly vineyard

The Burgundian Loire is also renowned for its vineyard! In Pouilly-sur-Loire, the fact that the river is so close means that the vine can benefit from the ideal climate. That is why the very best Sauvignon wines are produced right here.

To find out more about the wines of the Pouilly-sur-Loire and Pouilly-Fumé appellations and the expert know-how of their winegrowers, stop by the Tour du Pouilly-Fumé, a wine-tourism site in the centre of the village of Pouilly-sur-Loire.

Visit the Tour de Pouilly-Fumé

A spot of culture

Experience the history of the Loire

Alain Doire - BFC Tourisme

Romanesque heritage

On the first part of our route, you'll see countless Romanesque churches. Look up and admire the wall paintings at the churches of Saint-Aubin-sur-Loire, Maltat and Bourbon-Lancy.

As you pass through this medieval, celtic town of Burgundy, you could also enjoy the benefits of the springs at the Thermes (thermal baths).

Treasures of Nivernais

Nevers and the surrounding area is well-known for its canal but there are also many other reasons to come here, especially for fans of historic monuments! 

The Duke's Palace, the Cathedral of Saint-Cyr-et-Sainte-Julitte, the Church of Saint-Etienne, etc. The heritage sites of Nevers, a hot-spot for faience production, are worth the detour. 

You'll be whisked back in time in the medieval town of La Charité-sur-Loire and its priory church is listed a UNESCO world heritage site.

A closer look at the Musée de la Loire

Don't miss the Musée de la Loire in Cosne-Cours-sur-Loire. This venue combines the history of the Loire with a remarkable Fine Arts collection. What a surprise!

Find out everything you need to know about the Loire

Planning your hike

For all the information you'll need about the entire route:

- GR®3 guide book

The useful guide to help you prepare for your adventure along this hiking trail!

- FFRandonnée website

Check out this website to find out more about this historic trail

- Mon GR® website

Additional information is available on the long-distance hiking trails website

En résumé
A propos
Passage dans les vignes sur le GR3 Mon GR® préféré - FFRandonnée_ David Genestal
Rando Saint-Hilaire-Fontaine sur le GR3 David Genestal
Arrêt à la Charité sur Loire sur le GR 3 David Genestal
Randonnée Réserve Naturelle du Val de Loire David Genestal