Itinerary from Bibracte to Alesia

When we go hiking in Burgundy, it's not just about putting one foot in front of the other. The cultural itinerary from Bibracte to Alesia is a real tourism package (hiking trail for walkers, but also suitable on horseback or MTB), an adventure in the footsteps of Vercingetorix and his tribe. Sounds interesting doesn't it?

Get ready for a journey back in time

The trail is as close as possible to the actual historic itinerary taken by Vercingetorix and his tribe in Antiquity, and runs between two significant archaeological sites.

Bibracte was in fact the oppidum for the Gaulish coalition led by Vercingetorix. The famous Battle of Alesia, the decisive battle in the Gallic Wars in 52 BC, actually took place at the Mont-Auxois oppidum in Alise-Sainte-Reine.

This trail therefore links two great archaeological sites that are open to the public: Bibracte and Alesia.

Alain DOIRE / BFC Tourisme
Departure point


This great hiking trail at the heart of Burgundy begins at Mont-Beuvray, the iconic peak of Morvan Regional Natural Park.

That is where you can find the Gallic oppidum of Bibracte: this former settlement of the Aedui Gallic tribe occupied a central position in the economic, political and religious systems.

This is also where Vercingetorix was named head of the Gaulish coalition in 52 BC. Shortly after that, he led his tribe to Alesia, and we know what happened next. Alesia is the arrival point for this hiking trail.

Find out more about Bibracte

Bourgogne Tourisme / Alain Doire
Bibracte, site de fouilles Bourgogne Tourisme / Alain Doire
Alain Doire - BFC Tourisme
Visite au musée Bibracte Alain Doire - BFC Tourisme
Alain Doire - BFC Tourisme
Relais Bernard Loiseau à Saulieu
Along the way

Stopover in Saulieu

Enjoy a break in Saulieu and treat yourselves to some delicious specialities of Burgundy! 

Saulieu-Morvan Tourist Office
Alain Doire / BFC Tourisme
Along the trail

Stopover in Flavigny-sur-Ozerain

Before you arrive at the end of your adventure, come and explore one of the "Most Beautiful Villages of France"!

Let's go to Flavigny-sur-Ozerain

Alain Doire -BFC Tourisme
Arrival point


Your expedition will come to a close in the superb historic site of Alesia.

52 BC: Vercingetorix was in the oppidum of Mont-Auxois. 80,000 Gauls and 50,000 Roman legions enter into battle, a battle which would end with Julius Caesar's victory, and Roman power over the whole of Gaul.

Relive this historic event at the Alesia Interpretation Centre. It is in the actual location of the battle. You're right at the heart of history!

Find out more about Muséoparc Alésia

Alain Doire - BFC Tourisme
Reconsitution historique avec légionnaires romains au Muséoparc Alesia Alain Doire - BFC Tourisme
Alain Doire - BFC Tourisme
Statue de Vercingétorix, oppidum d'Alésia dans le village d'Alise-Sainte-Reine Alain Doire - BFC Tourisme
En résumé
A propos
Bibracte, site de fouilles Bourgogne Tourisme / Alain Doire
Visite au musée Bibracte Alain Doire - BFC Tourisme
A propos
Reconsitution historique avec légionnaires romains au Muséoparc Alesia Alain Doire - BFC Tourisme
Statue de Vercingétorix, oppidum d'Alésia dans le village d'Alise-Sainte-Reine Alain Doire - BFC Tourisme