Treasures of world heritage

The most honorary

Among the most famous sites in Burgundy, 2 of them have been listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. They are the Priory of La Charité-sur-Loire and the 'Climats' of Burgundy's vineyard.

Let's take a closer look...

Romanesque beauty

The Priory of La Charité-sur-Loire

This real treasure of Romanesque art boasts a stunning, peaceful cloister, barrel-vaulted ceiling, huge columns, arcades and sculptures.

Did you know? La Charité-sur-Loire is located on the Santiago de Compostela route, which is also listed as UNESCO World Heritage. Set on the banks of the river Loire, the town was named as such as it welcomed pilgrims walking along this famous route.

The Priory of La Charité-sur-Loire
Corinne VASSELET/BFC Tourisme
Alain DOIRE/BFC Tourisme
Murgers, murets and cabottes...

At the heart of the 'Climats' of Burgundy's vineyard

Cabottes, murgers, murets and clos are authentic drystone constructions that you will find at the heart of the 'Climats' of Burgundy's vineyard. For centuries, each 'Climat' has been marked out with precision by these constructions that protect both the vines and the winegrower.

The 'Climats' of Burgundy's vineyard
Shield your eyes!

So colourful

The architecture of Burgundy stands out from the rest for its rich and varied range of colours. This variety of colour serves as a tribute to the ancient know-how of the locals of Burgundy, showcased in the glazed tiles and terracotta decoration for example. But that is not the only thing that makes this architecture special! Some sites boast lavish decoration inspired by far-off lands...

Côte-d'Or Tourisme ©Rozenn Krebel
The iconic roof of a thousand colours

Hôtel Dieu at the Hospices de Beaune

The roof of the Hotel Dieu at the Hospices de Beaune is iconic in Burgundy. Burgundy's prestigious history is at the origin of this decorated roof which arrived here from Flanders.

All over Burgundy, you'll come across castles, manor houses and churches with surprising colours and patterns. Just make sure you keep your eyes peeled!

Visit the Hospices de Beaune
Alain DOIRE/BFC Tourisme
A show house

Villa Perrusson

This Belle Epoque-style pavilion was used as a show house for the owner of the ceramics factory in Ecuisses. The façades decorated in a wide range of decorative styles are incredible, still today.


The Villa Perrusson
Mummy CHAMALLOW/BFC Tourisme
La Boulaye Buddhist Temple

Palden Shangpa

As you're exploring the Morvan, you might just come across a rather surprising place with dazzling paintings, ornate garden, colourful banners, and pyramidal architecture. Welcome to La Boulaye, a Buddhist temple!

Find out more about the temple
Burgundian know-how

It's a tradition!

These places are characteristic of Burgundy, and are examples of everything that makes our region so special! In the town or in the countryside, look around while you're exploring the area and take some fantastic images of the authentic Burgundy home with you.

  • The Bresse farmhouses are both typical and atypical and can be recognised by their elongated shape, Saracen-style chimneys and half-timbered and wattle-and-daub walls.
  • The half-timbered houses are great features of the narrow streets in Burgundy's 'Most Beautiful Villages of France' and 'Towns of Art and History'.
  • The roofs covered in glazed tiles are particularly characteristic of Burgundy, and originated at the time of the Dukes of Burgundy. This tradition is kept alive today by the Tuilerie Laurent (tile factory).

Here are some ideas for some traditional decorations to come and admire the next time you're in Burgundy... 

Architectural vision

Burgundy is such an inspiring place! Since the dawn of time, builders and artists have been dreaming up, creating and building constructions that are considered to be works of art and outstanding architectural achievements.

We've selected a few examples for you:

André Morin © Consortium Museum.
Japanese inspiration

Le Consortium

In Dijon, the buildings of the Consortium were renovated by award-winning Japanese architect Shigeru Ban. The dazzling white building is home to the 4,000 m² museum of contemporary art. It has become a global reference. 

Consortium Museum – Centre for contemporary art
Corinne Vasselet /BFCT
Devoted to wine

The Cité des Climats et Vins of Beaune

The building was designed to reflect the tendrils of a vine plant that wind around a stake, and it is an outstanding architectural achievement. Even though the work was only completed in 2023, the Siz"-IX agency behind its design has already won several awards, including the LIV Hospitality Design Award. It is home to the Cité des Climats et Vins de Bourgogne of Beaune.

The Cité des Climats et Vins de Bourgogne
Alain Doire - BFC Tourisme
A showcase for history

The MuséoParc Alésia

This cylindrical building features floor to ceiling windows and larch wood panels to reflect the structure of the fortifications. Architect Bernard Tchumi is behind this creation that houses the MuséoParc, a visitor's centre devoted to the famous battle of Alésia.

The MuséoParc Alésia
DSL Les Coflocs
At the service of God

The Carmel de la Paix

This religious construction was built in 1970 by Spanish architect, Josep Luis Sert, who trained under Le Corbusier. From the top of the hill, the minimalistic, rough concrete building is surprising and continues to welcome a congregation of Carmelites today.

The Carmel de la Paix
Surprising geometry!

Unusual castles

There are castles and fortresses dotted all over Burgundy. Many of them are not-to-be-missed and are great places to come and learn more about Burgundy's history with tours and activities that are suitable for the whole family.

Let's take a closer look at two particularly surprising ones...

Alain DOIRE/BFC Tourisme
Based on pentagon-shaped plans

The Château de Maulnes

This architectural masterpiece from the Renaissance is guaranteed to leave an impression on you, and rightly so, because it is a one-of-a-kind construction.

It was built on pentagon-shaped plans, is like a maze to explore, boasts a spiral staircase set around an open well, and there are symbols everywhere you look... So many architectural achievements in just one place!

We absolutely recommend a visit to this place, especially as the renovation work was only completed in 2023. There is an action-packed programme of activities and events aimed at families with children and fans of architecture.

The Château de Maulnes
Château de Meauce
Perfectly round!

The Château de Meauce

This castle is certainly surprising!

It was built in the 11th century and is one of the oldest castles in the Nivernais area, and its perfectly round appearance is totally unique.

Its eventful past can also be described as unique, with short periods of occupation followed by long periods of abandonment. It was given a new lease of life in 2005, when its new, passionate owners began renovation work.

Make sure you visit or even stay in this exceptional natural environment. The Bec d'Allier is classified as a Natura 2000 area and a stay here is a great way to experience both culture and nature.

The Château de Meauce
Monumental and ingenious

All about the canals

To be able to transport raw materials across the rolling hills of Burgundy, the builders of past centuries thought long and hard, and came up with some incredible solutions:

  • Tunnels and archways meant that the canals could pass through the hills. The most impressive examples are the Collancelle on Nivernais Canal and the Pouilly-en-Auxois tunnel on Burgundy Canal
  • Navigable aqueducts over the rivers, such as the 2 in Digoin for example.
  • Staircase locks that allow boats to overcome differences in height such as in Sardy-lès-Epiry and Rogny-les-Sept-Ecluses.

Whether it flows over the top or underneath, the water is not always where you'd expect it to be in Burgundy, but you can expect an exciting experience sailing along the canals here!

En résumé