La Chablisienne Vézelay
32 Rue Saint-Étienne
  • American Express, Credit card, Cheques and postal orders, Cash
  • Pets welcome
  • Reception of families
  • Activité pour les enfants GB
  • Tasting
Wine category
  • White
  • Rosé
  • Red
  • Sparkling
Prices & Schedules Opening :

Reopening: Saturday 6 April 2024


April - May - September - October :
Open Thursday to Sunday (and on public holidays Wednesday 1 and 8 May and Whit Monday 20 May) from 11am to 6pm.

June - July - August :
Open Tuesday to Sunday (including public holidays) from 11am to 7pm.

Prices :
  • From Vineyard to Cellar rate : 8€ - 58.5€
Special opening conditions :

The visitor has hydroalcoholic gel at his disposal upon arrival. We ensure the fluidity of circulation of our visitors between the shop and the counter. Indeed, we have at heart to respect the social distance between our visitors at the counter and in the shop. We have also organized a direction of circulation between the entrances and the exits to avoid crossings At each tasting, we disinfect the counter, the laminated price lists, the glasses and the spittoons (which are individual). When there is a wine order, we disinfect the trolleys at each handling, as well as our computers and credit card machines between each payment. We can welcome groups outside on our terrace to avoid being confined inside when there are more than 10 people in the shop. Moreover, we are equipped with masks all day long (and sometimes even with a visor). Each visitor can also disinfect his hands with a hydroalcoholic gel at the exit.

Chains and Labels
Agriculture Biologique
Terra Vitis

Brochures Bourgogne Tourisme

Consult our brochures online or order them to receive at home

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