In the heart of the old town, the Espace Jean-de-Joigny is located in the old quarter known as La Cour des Miracles, at the top of the pedestrian street. It is named after the famous sculptor of the Spanish Golden Age, Juan de Juni, who was born in Joigny in 1507. The ground floor and mezzanine are reserved for contemporary exhibitions, alternating between the plastic and decorative arts. The second floor is given over to a studio space for artists in residence in the area.
- French
- Pets not allowed
- Wireless service
- Adult workshop
- Junior workshop
- Temporary exhibitions
From 01/01/2024 to 31/12/2024
From 01/01/2025 to 31/12/2025
Self-guided tours: Wednesdays and Saturdays, 2 to 6 pm; Sundays, 2.30 to 6 pm.
Self-guided tours: Wednesdays and Saturdays, 2 to 6 pm; Sundays, 2.30 to 6 pm.
Brochures Bourgogne Tourisme
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