Restaurant de l'Hostellerie d'Héloïse
7, route de Mâcon
71250 CLUNY
  • French, English
  • American Express, Credit card, Payment cards, Cheques and postal orders, Cash, Visa
  • Pets welcome
  • Gastronomic cuisine
  • Gastronomic restaurant
  • Bar
  • Lounge
  • Banquet
  • Wireless service
Guides & ratings
  • Michelin Red Guide
  • Le Routard Bourgogne Franche-Comté guide
  • Michelin
Prices & Schedules Opening :

Restaurant open Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays for lunch and dinner.
Restaurant open Thursday evenings and Sunday lunchtimes.
Restaurant closed on Wednesdays all day, Thursday lunchtimes and Sunday evenings.
Seasonally closed: from early January to mid-January, from late June to mid-July and from 20/12 to 31/12.

Prices :
    Special opening conditions :

    Wearing a mask is mandatory Hydroalcoholic gel at the entrance and inside Controlled physical distance

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