Boutique bringing together a group of local craftspeople. You'll find one-off pieces or small series, made by the hands of craftspeople whose trade it is. Leather, glass, lightning wood, metal, enamel, paper, vinyl and recycled materials are all used to create original pieces: decorative objects, bags, belts, jewellery, lamps, small pieces of furniture, etc.
When you visit, a craftsman will welcome you and, if you wish, answer any questions you may have.
- French, English
- American Express, Credit card, Payment cards, Cheques and postal orders, Cash, Eurocard - Mastercard
- Parking
- Shop
- graphic arts
- jewellery
- leather
- art enamel
- engraving
- lights /lampshades
- decoration objects
- stained glass windows
Brochures Bourgogne Tourisme
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