Camping Le Petit Montperroux
Le Petit Montperroux
  • French, German, English, Dutch
  • Cash, Eurocheques, Bank transfers
  • Pets not allowed
  • Playground
  • Bar / Snack bar
  • Electricity connecting points
  • Barbecue area
  • hot showers
  • area for babies
  • Fountain / drinking water point
  • Children's games
  • Hot water sinks
  • Hot water laundries
  • Parking
  • Swimming pool
  • lake
  • Garbage cans
  • electrical supply in sanitary blocks
  • Games room
  • Meeting room
  • Tables and benches
  • Public toilets
  • Bar / refreshment bar
  • Food shop
  • Ice depot
  • Bread depot
  • Washing machine
  • Bungalow hire
  • Cottage rental
  • Tent hire
  • Take away meals
  • WIFI
  • Activities
  • Bathing
  • billiards
  • kids club
  • Horse riding
  • table tennis
  • Outdoor swimming pool
  • hiking

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