Come and discover the secrets of Bourgogne "wineyard Terroirs , the "vignerons"rule and the essentials of wine tasting with sandrine and andré lanaud yours personnal wine coach (wine trainer and professional taster). She will share with you and transmit her passion of "Bourgogne Terroirs" during wine workshop or wine stroll in the wineyard booking/informations:
- French, English
- Pets welcome
- entertainment
Prices & Schedules
Prices :
- Group rate (per person) (Informative rate to be checked with the establishment)
the workshops will take place in the vineyard with a maximum of 6 people, except for new instructions in February/March 2021
Chains and Labels
Brochures Bourgogne Tourisme
Consult our brochures online or order them to receive at home
We tell you more