- https://www.bourgogne-tourisme.com/decouvrir/itinerances-et-itineraires-a-pied-a-velo-a-cheval-ou-en-bateau/la-randonnee-pedestre-les-grands-itineraires/gr2/
- https://www.mongr.fr/trouver-prochaine-randonnee/itineraire/gr-2-au-fil-de-la-seine/carte
- https://www.ffrandonnee.fr/randonner/sentiers/le-gr-2-le-sentier-de-la-seine
The GR®2 is an 858km adventure in its entirety, linking Dijon to Le Havre. Its route follows that of the iconic "Seine" and over 150km you'll follow it through Burgundy.
A little history: Signposting of the GR® 2 began in the 1970s, with a large part already completed in 1974. The rest, including the Paris crossing, was not signposted until the 2000s.
You'll start in Dijon, capital of the Dukes of Burgundy, where the Musée des Beaux-Arts and the Cité Internationale de la Gastronomie et du Vin will open their doors to you.
You will then head for Val-Suzon and Val-Suzon-Haut, where you will pass through a nature reserve where you can admire the lush forest and the historical remains of human exploitation.
You'll also discover the springs of the Seine in a landscaped park at Source-Seine, where a romantic grotto contains a nymph overlooking the river's main source. This is also where you can walk over the first bridge to cross it.
Finally, at Châtillon-sur-Seine, you can head for the Douix spring, which was long ago a Celtic place of worship, celebrating the divinity of the chasms.
The GR®2, along the Seine, is well worth the diversions!
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