Guided tour - The cathedral and its crypt
Cathédrale Saint-Etienne
Place de la Préfecture
Prices & Schedules

From 18/06/24 to 14/08/24 of 14:00 to 14:45

From 18/06/24 to 14/08/24 of 16:00 to 16:45

From 16/08/24 to 31/08/24 of 14:00 to 14:45

From 16/08/24 to 31/08/24 of 16:00 to 16:45

Tuesday to Saturday: from 18 June to 31 August at 2pm, 3pm and 4pm. No visits on 15 August

  • Base rate (Adults) : 8€
  • Child rate (under 6 years)

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