3-day course in Visual Arts/ Ateliers Spire Création
Ateliers Spire Création
29 route d'Autun Lieu-dit le Pont d'Argent
Prices & Schedules

From 24/04/24 to 26/04/24 of 10:00 to 16:15

From 10/07/24 to 12/07/24 of 10:00 to 16:15

From 17/07/24 to 19/07/24 of 10:00 to 16:15

From 24/07/24 to 26/07/24 of 10:00 to 16:15

From 31/07/24 to 02/08/24 of 10:00 to 16:15

From 07/08/24 to 09/08/24 of 10:00 to 16:15

From 21/08/24 to 23/08/24 of 10:00 to 16:15

From 25/10/2023 to 27/10/2023, 27/12/2023 to 29/12/2023, from 21/02/2024 to 23/02/2024, 17/04/2024 to 19/04/2024, 24/04/2024 to 26/04/2024 from 10h to 16h15, from 10/07/2024 to 12/07/2024, from 17/07/2024 to 19/07/2024, from 24/07/2024 to 26/07/2024, from 31/07/2024 to 02/08/2024, from 07/08/2024 to 09/08/2024, from 21/08/2024 to 23/08/2024, from 28/08/2024 to 30/08/2024
from 10am to 4.15pm. Workshops last 3 days, meals on site, booking within the dates indicated.

  • Other rates (Membership of the association)

Brochures Bourgogne Tourisme

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