A critically acclaimed historical comedy
1894, the Dreyfus Affair divides France. A Captain is accused of espionage and found guilty. In the midst of his literary success and against the advice of his publisher, Zola investigated the Dreyfus case. From his film studio, Méliès committed himself to exposing a state lie. Despite threats and with the support of their wives, one wrote the most famous article in history, the other made the world's first censored film. False rumours and anti-Semitism do not stop these Téméraires, who, armed with their courage and an extraordinary sense of duty, bring the truth to light.
7 actors play 30 characters, bringing laughter to the midst of hatred. History is on the march, and there's no stopping it.
Directed by: Charlotte Matzneff
Starring : Romain Lagarde: Emile Zola - Stéphane Dauch: Georges Méliès and Charpentier - Sandrine Seubille: Alexandrine Zola - Barbara Lamballais: Jeanne, Edith, English journalist and waitress - Antoine Guiraud: Marcel, Bernard Lazard, Auguste Kestner, Clemenceau, bar customer - Armance Galpin: Eugenie Méliès, Joséphine, journalist, newspaper seller - Thibault Sommain: Alphonse Daudet, Rodays, Clemenceau's employee, judge, newspaper seller, waiter, Italian waiter, Jean, journalist
From 12 years - Duration 1h30
Saturday 12 October at 8.30pm.
- Base rate (Armchair €28 / Loge €26 / Balcony €24) : 24€ - 28€
- Reduced rate (Armchair €24 / Loge €22 / Balcony €20) : 20€ - 24€
- Young person's rate (For students under 25) : 10€
- Child rate (For under-12s) : 7€
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