Le Train de la Peur
Parc des Combes
Rue des Pyrénées
Prices & Schedules

Sunday 20/10/2024, Wednesday 23/10/2024, Saturday 26/10/2024, Sunday 27/10/2024, Wednesday 30/10/2024 and Thursday 31/10/2024, departures at 2pm, 3pm, 4pm and 5pm.
Thursday 31/10/2024, additional departure at 6pm and special evening with witch's soup and giant tartiflette from 7pm, night-time attractions until 9pm.

  • Base rate (Over 1.20 m) : 13.5€
  • Child rate (Less than 1.20 m) : 10.9€
  • Child rate (Less than 0.90 m)
Chains and Labels
Aventures mômes

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