The true story of Sylvin Rubinstein. An extraordinary and exemplary destiny. A jewel of a show, set in flamenco, with exceptional acting and chiselled direction by Virginie LEMOINE.
The turmoil of history sometimes transforms ordinary people into heroes. Sylvin Rubinstein, whose only ambition in life was to dance flamenco with his twin sister Maria, joins the resistance against the Nazis. After several months in the Warsaw ghetto, he allies himself with Kurt Werner, a Wehrmacht officer and resistance fighter, and carries out increasingly dangerous actions. Haunted by the disappearance of his sister at the hands of the Nazis, he takes on her appearance, and it is in the dress of Dolores, Maria's stage name, that he carries out an act of unprecedented violence. In the evening of his life, Sylvin Rubinstein draws a veil over his fate, lest the memory of Maria die with him.
Written by Yann Guillon and Stéphane Laporte
Directed by Virginie Lemoine
Starring : Olivier Sitruk, François Feroleto, Joséphine Thoby, Sharon Sultan (Maria, dancer), Ruben Molina (Sylvin, dancer), Cristo Cortes (singer and musician), Dani Barba (musician)
Running time: 1 hour 25 minutes
Friday 14 March at 8.30pm.
- Base rate (Armchair €28 / Loge €26 / Balcony €24) : 24€ - 28€
- Reduced rate (Armchair €24 / Loge €22 / Balcony €20) : 20€ - 24€
- Young person's rate (For students under 25) : 10€
- Child rate (For under-12s) : 7€
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