This talk will focus on the Neolithic, the last period of prehistory, and more specifically its beginnings in what is now the Burgundy Franche-Comté region, between around 5300-4500 BC.
The main change during this period was the arrival of agriculture and animal husbandry in our regions. We will discuss migration and acculturation, hunter-gatherers and farmer-breeders, ceramics and stone tools, palaeogenetics and archaeology.
Three bibliographical titles:
Guilaine J. (2023) L'aube des moissonneurs. Du néolithique en particulier et de l'archéologie en général, Verdier Histoire, 2023, 192 p.
Demoule J.-P. (dir.; 2023) La révolution néolithique dans le monde. Biblis, 2023, 504 p.
Collective (2021) Néolithique. Les villages de Chalain & Clairvaux, patrimoine de l'humanité. Exhibition catalogue, 2021, 140 p.
Expensive, but a must-have for Franche-Comté:
Pétrequin P., Pétrequin A.-M. (2021) La Préhistoire du Jura et l'Europe néolithique en 100 mots-clés. Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté, Les cahiers de la MSHE Ledoux, Dynamiques territoriales, Besançon, 2021, 3 volumes, 1938 p.
And since I do ethnoarchaeology :
Ramseyer D. (2023) Quand l'ethnologie bouscule l'archéologie. Un autre regard sur les habitats lacustres néolithiques, 2023, 178. Alphil Histoire, 2023, 178 p.
And above all, I insist, these works are disasters that should never have been published:
Grenouillau O. (2024) Le Néolithique, La Bibliothèque à Remonter le Temps, 2024, 128 p.
Lehoërff A. (2023) Le Néolithique, Que sais-je ?, 2023, 128 p.
- Cheques and postal orders, Cash
- Pets not allowed
Thursday 19/09/2024 from 8.30pm to 10.30pm.
- Subscriber's rate (On presentation of the membership card)
- Base rate (On presentation of the card) : 5€
- Carte Jeune youth card (On presentation of the card) : 1€
- Jobseeker's rate (On presentation of proof) : 1€
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