Concours Hippique - Saut d'obstacle Pro- Amateur
Terrains Equivallée
Chemin de Rochefort
71250 CLUNY
Prices & Schedules

From 17/05/24 to 19/05/24

From 26/07/24 to 28/07/24

From 23/08/24 to 25/08/24

From 27/09/24 to 29/09/24

From 11/10/24 to 13/10/24

From 15 to 17/03/2024, from 17 to 19/05/2024, from 26 to 28/07/2024, from 23 to 25/08/2024, from 27 to 29/09/2024, and from 11 to 13/10/2024, all day.

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