Barricades, a quartet based in Seine-et-Marne, emerged on the French rock scene in 2008. The band was formed under the impetus of Ced and Dom, ex-members of Les Trollers, and their meeting with Jess, guitarist in Les Rats. In 2016, they were joined by Ambre, bassist in 'Le Sous-Pull'. In 2012, they released "Le son des Barricades", a self-produced debut album recorded on their own label. In 2017, they are back at it again with 'Sans titre'. On this second album, we find everything that makes up the group's identity: energetic rock that is also more varied.
Now they're back in stores with "Imagine".
Musically, this third album is a direct, instinctive rock.
Friday 15 November, 9 pm.
- Base rate : 7€
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