Art and craft gallery, ceramics, oil painting, wood painting, marquetry, resin and silver costume jewellery, sculpture, cabinet making, leather goods. Original and quality works. For all budgets, original gifts at affordable prices.
- French, English
- American Express, Credit card, Cheques and postal orders, Cash, Eurocard - Mastercard, Bank transfers, Visa
- Pets welcome
- Shop
- Temporary exhibitions
- tableware
- jewellery
- ceramics
- other arts & crafts
- leather
- Cabinetmaking
- hurdy-gurdies
- engraving
- wool
- marquetery
- metal
- modelware/drawing/plan
- mosaïcs
- paint
- painting on wood
- Porcelain
- pottery
- resin
- wooden sculptures
- paintings
- earth
- textiles
- glass work
- glassware
Brochures Bourgogne Tourisme
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